Steps to be taken when Compromised Credentials are found in Dark Web


      What steps should I take when Compromised Credentials are found in the Dark Web Platform?


  • Use password managers to save and secure various strong passwords, to guard against phishing, as they fill account information into websites based on their URL. We recommend the passwords are changed and the customers do not use the same password or variation in the environment again.
  • Perform regular check-ins with customers to identify changes, the potential for upgrades or more robust security protocols and policy.
  • Empower employees to recognize threats and respond accordingly. Knowledge is power and security! Kindly review our Bullphish ID User Guide to train and empower employees to recognize threats.
  • Use 2FA on any application that has compatibility, for an added layer of login security.
  • Assess and test network, applications, 3rd party website policies, and procedural policy.
  • Data should be backed up to an offsite, secure location with scheduled, regular testing.


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