10/14/2020 - Dark Web ID v1.52.00

Dark Web ID v1.52.00 - Release Notes - October, 14th, 2020


Features and Enhancements

Live Data Search - Company Profile

1. When perform a Live Data Search of a prospect--you can now see profile information about their company! 

We will show the following information about your prospect:


Company Name

Website URL
Company Phone Number Company Address
Year Founded Industry
Estimated Annual Revenue Employee Range
Funds Raised Stock Ticket
Company Description Twitter Profile
Facebook Profile LinkedIn Profile



How do you view Company Profile?

On the far right of the page you can view the company profile by clicking on the "red target" tab icon. 

It will expand to show the company information. 



PSA Integration - Don't send ticket if no password is found

1. We added a new section to your PSA Integration called, "Ticket Conditions". Inside this section, you can choose "Don't send PSA ticket if no password is found" and you won't receive tickets in the event a compromise doesn't contain a password. 

This applies to:



Connectwise On-Premise

Kaseya BMS



Compromise Reports - Notes Added to CSV

1. We have added your compromise notes to your CSV reports that are created from the Organization Compromise Dashboard. 



Breach Catalog - Added Data

1. We updated the format and added additional data to the Breach Catalog.


We added three columns:


"Breach Description"

"About Breach" 



We added the following data: 

"Breached Accounts" - will show the # of total breached accounts associated with this breach.

"Breach Found" - will show the date the breach was found on the Dark Web.

"Date Added to DWID" - will show the date when the breach was added to Dark Web ID.

"Exposed" - will show the data that was exposed in this breach. 



Bug Fixes

1. QBR Report - Fixed a bug where we'd show two different international date formats on the same report. We now only show one. 

2. QBR Report - Fixed a bug where the "Print Now" button wasn't working. Only shows now when the report is available. 

3. Release Notes - Fixed a menu bug in "Support" where the "Release Notes" were pointed to the wrong release notes url. It has been updated to the correct URL so you can read the latest Release Notes.


Stay tuned as we continue to introduce new features!

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