User received an error "Invalid passcode/OTP" when logging into an application like VSA, VPN other application protected with AuthAnvil MFA.
In most cases, the problem would be the token is not in sync. You can validate this by logging into AuthAnvil Portal and click on My Profile > Test Token > Select OTP and enter the OTP generated on your Authenticator app and it will most likely to fail.
The main reason would be the time difference between the time set on your phone and the time zone users are in. Since the OTP is valid for only 30 seconds, a minute difference would cause the OTP to fail.
Set the time on your Android and iPhone to Automatic and then verify the OTP again in the AAOD portal. Once done you can login to the applications protected with Authanvil using OTP without any issues.
How to set time to Automatic in Android Devices: Settings > System > Date & Time. And enable "Automatic Date & Time".
How to set time to Automatic in iPhone Devices: Settings > General > Date & Time. And enable "Set Automatically".