AAOP Password Server vs. Passly Cloud Integrated Password Server

Kaseya currently offers two different Password Management solutions.

Passly Integrated Password Server

The Cloud Password Server was integrated into Passly tenants in the Fall of 2019. Our team continues to add new features and improvements. For configuration information please check out this article.


AuthAnvil On-Premises Password Server

This is a legacy product that is still available to Passly customers. If you would like to use this product please contact your Account Manager directly.

Features exclusive to AAOP

  1. Domain & Stand alone Windows Password Rotation.
  2. On-Premises Microsoft SQL DB support.
  3. Reporting on usage & access.
  4. Use of your own third party issued SSL certificate for setting up the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
  5. Bulk importation of credentials.
  6. Bulk export of credentials.



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